Researching otherwise – Pluriversal Methodologies for Landscape and Urban Studies Open Access

How can landscape and urban research better work with topics such as dialogue, sensuality and affect? ​​Researching Otherwise shows new methods for producing knowledge. The researchers explore regenerative possibilities through activities such as drawing, photography, listening and eavesdropping. They describe how they walk in non-human societies, explore marine worlds, use bank vaults or work with refugees.




Landscape and urban research has long tried to engage in transdisciplinary dialogue, sensuality and affect. With "Researching Otherwise", sensory, collaborative and restitutive methods can be used to generate knowledge from different worlds. These methods connect researchers and their objects of study in new ways to enable restitutive and regenerative future scenarios "differently".


Researching otherwise – Pluriversal Methodologies for Landscape and Urban Studies
GTA Verlag, ETH Zurich
Editor: Nitin Bathla
Contributions by Nitin Bathla, Ludwig Berger, Denise Bertschi, Nancy Couling, Ludo Groen, Luke Harris, Johanna Just, Metaxia Markaki, Andreea-Florentina Midvighi, Klearjos Eduardo Papanicolaou, Cara Turett, Bonnie Kate Walker
Foreword: Catalina Ortiz
Design: Offshore Studio \ Zurich
61 illustrations, 264 pages
Language: English
Format: 16 × 22 cm, PDF
ISBN: 978-3-85676-469-2


Open Access: 



Selection of books of the DAM Architectural Book Award 2024 at the Frankfurt Book Fair, photo (c) Kulturexpress


DAM jury statement: Multidisciplinarity is on the agenda for the architectural discourse of our time, and Researching Otherwise - edited by ETH scientist Nitin Bathla - takes a broad look at the topic. Divided into three chapters devoted to transdisciplinary, sensory and restitutive methods, the book presents pluriversal research projects ranging from artistic and perception-oriented approaches to postcolonial cartography and walking science, with the intention of developing a new methodological repertoire for the development of knowledge spaces in landscape and urban research.

The potential of a two-colour print has been exploited to perfection here, not only as a means of visual orientation between the various text elements, but also to harmoniously integrate the heterogeneous - or pluriversal - image material into the layout, which was stringently choreographed by the Zurich graphic design office Offshore Studio. The result is a surprisingly light, almost light-footed book, which in terms of content can be assigned to a scientific text collection, but is visually coherently tied together into a creatively successful whole through the colour cut and the reduced colour scheme. (Lisa Schons,free translation)






Kulturexpress  ISSN 1862-1996


december 30, 2024